(Realtime searching using COLLAB)
Knowing about listings before other people is so important when searching for your next home, It gives you that obvious advantage over other people (your competition) that are looking for similar property. Especially in a heated seller's market where there are more buyers than there are listings.
Collab is a searching platform that will alert you once a listing is uploaded into the MLS database. If your search criteria is a match with that listing, you will receive an email right away, without having to wait 6 to 8 hours for the broker system to be uploaded into Realtor.ca - where your competition is searching, giving you an abvious advantage!
This is a CONTACTLESS service that we offer - no meeting is required (unless you wanted one, of course). Simply complete the form below and we'll do all the work for you, getting you setup with an automated email in Collab so you don't miss out on that perfect listing!
If you do see a listing and would like more information on it, simply let either Marisa or I know and we'd be more than happy to provide you with information about that property that isn't mentioned in the listing (eg, is the listing underpriced and holding off on offers). Also, if you would like a first hand look, we can either get you in to see it OR can arrange for a Skype/Zoom/Google session so that way you can view the property from the comfort and safety of your own home!